Efficient Inventory Management for Business Growth: Affordable, Scalable Solutions!

Choose from our affordable and scalable inventory management plans: Essential, Advanced, and Lifetime. With flexible pricing based on your monthly order volume, you'll only pay for what you need. Streamline your inventory management and grow your business today!


The essential inventory management solution for businesses that want real-time stock level syncing, low stock alerts, and affordable pricing.

$19 /month
  • Real Time Stock Level Syncing
  • Up to 100 listings
  • Low Stock Alert
  • Unlimited Integrations
Get started


The advanced inventory management solution for businesses that want real-time stock level syncing, low stock alerts, and the ability to scale with affordable pricing.

$49 /month
  • Real Time Stock Level Syncing
  • Unlimited listings
  • Low Stock Alert
  • Unlimited Integrations
Get started

Life Time

The ultimate inventory management solution for businesses that want listings, and a one-time payment for lifetime access to all features.

$199 /month
  • Real Time Stock Level Syncing
  • Unlimited listings
  • Low Stock Alert
  • Unlimited Integrations
Get started